Sandbox Jersey

No matter what kind of business you are, Jersey is the perfect sandbox location to develop, test and launch new technology in a campus-like environment.

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What makes Jersey the perfect sandbox?
C-DJ-22-10304 Large

Our Network of Innovators, Coders and Creators 

Jersey is an island network of coders, creators, inventors, and investors who are building jersey’s digital future. It measures just 45 square miles with a population of around 100,000 and offers all the components of a larger country but in a small, campus-like space. Aside from its national government, the Government of Jersey, there is one electricity company, one water company, an international airport, a passenger and cargo port.

Diverse Industries and World-class Network Infrastructure

Jersey has a diverse combination of urban and rural industries which include financial services, tourism, agriculture and a digital sector that currently employs over 3,000 people. All broadband connections in Jersey are Gigabit Fibre to the premises (FTTP). Jersey also benefits from three separate 4G networks and three dedicated Internet of Things (IoT) networks (NBIoT and Two LPWANs including LoRa), making it the ideal testbed for companies looking to trial new ideas.


Sandbox Jersey’s approach and role is to:


your proposition, testing requirements and organisational needs


and minimise any potential technology, regulatory or legal barriers to market


and introduce the organisations and individuals needed for the testing to take place


the framework for your testing set-up and process


with you the testing outcomes and results

Open the door

to future testing, service development or joint working arrangement

Use Cases


With dedicated support from Digital Jersey, RaceNation used Sandbox Jersey as their technology testbed, securing early-stage investment and scaling their integrated sports event registration, club membership and fundraising platform to new heights.

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If you’re interested in learning more about Sandbox Jersey or would like to enquire about taking advantage of our proposition, please contact:

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